Tuesday, 25.03.2025
9.30 AM to 10.30 AM

Drinking - Water to Health

Everyone knows that regular drinking is important, but not everyone is aware of why. Even in implementation, it is often difficult to achieve the recommended amount of fluid per day. Some people forget to drink, while others drink the wrong things and too much of them. Drinking behavior has just as strong an influence on our health as eating behavior, but is often perceived as a less relevant health factor and tends to be neglected. We create orientation and provide reliable information on water, coffee, sweet and alcoholic beverages. You will learn how to determine the right amount of liquid for you and how to adhere to this guideline by adopting behavior patterns that are suitable for everyday life. You will learn which beverages are the best way to cover your fluid and nutrient requirements and which beverages are best suited for sports, work and leisure. You can look forward to our tips and recommendations, whereby we also address trend topics such as "infused water": so that drinking becomes a reliable building block for your health and well-being.

Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge

Tuesday, 25.03.2025
9.30 AM to 10.30 AM

Drinking - Water to Health

Everyone knows that regular drinking is important, but not everyone is aware of why. Even in implementation, it is often difficult to achieve the recommended amount of fluid per day. Some people forget to drink, while others drink the wrong things and too much of them. Drinking behavior has just as strong an influence on our health as eating behavior, but is often perceived as a less relevant health factor and tends to be neglected. We create orientation and provide reliable information on water, coffee, sweet and alcoholic beverages. You will learn how to determine the right amount of liquid for you and how to adhere to this guideline by adopting behavior patterns that are suitable for everyday life. You will learn which beverages are the best way to cover your fluid and nutrient requirements and which beverages are best suited for sports, work and leisure. You can look forward to our tips and recommendations, whereby we also address trend topics such as "infused water": so that drinking becomes a reliable building block for your health and well-being.

Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge