Our everyday life is characterized by ever new tasks and distractions. We do a lot of things on the side and meanwhile we rush to the next task. A permanent state of stress is the possible result, which can seriously affect our well-being and health. Mindfulness is a valuable and effective resource to put a significant damper on (everyday) stress. A mindful lifestyle includes being mindful of yourself, other people, and the environment. If you use this resource regularly, the probability of being able to effectively reduce stress, stabilize your health and ultimately experience everyday life happier and more enjoyable increases.
Based on various statements, the participants define the intensity of the statement that suits them on the PC/notebook, which is then displayed as an overall value in the mindfulness score. The result is displayed both numerically and graphically. Based on the individual values and the preferences asked, individual recommendations for action are made and jointly defined.
Itʼs that easy:
Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge
Our everyday life is characterized by ever new tasks and distractions. We do a lot of things on the side and meanwhile we rush to the next task. A permanent state of stress is the possible result, which can seriously affect our well-being and health. Mindfulness is a valuable and effective resource to put a significant damper on (everyday) stress. A mindful lifestyle includes being mindful of yourself, other people, and the environment. If you use this resource regularly, the probability of being able to effectively reduce stress, stabilize your health and ultimately experience everyday life happier and more enjoyable increases.
Based on various statements, the participants define the intensity of the statement that suits them on the PC/notebook, which is then displayed as an overall value in the mindfulness score. The result is displayed both numerically and graphically. Based on the individual values and the preferences asked, individual recommendations for action are made and jointly defined.
Itʼs that easy:
Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge