25. – 27.03. | 01. – 03.04.
30 minutes per person
Individual session

Climate Activity Check

Exercise is not a universal cure, but it is a remedy for everyone. The amount of physical activity recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is clearly defined, but the majority of the German population does not meet it. Regular physical activity is not only important for personal health, but also has a positive effect on the climate and the environment. Walking or cycling to work instead of driving a car reduces the environmental impact and strengthens the cardiovascular system and metabolism at the same time. The Climate Activity Check helps to analyze individual resources and shows how both goals - improving health and protecting the environment - can be optimally combined.

Physical activity in everyday life, at work and during leisure time is assessed according to international guidelines (IPAQ and GPAQ). The program checks whether an individual's level of physical activity is inadequate, sufficient to maintain health or even protective. A simulation tool also shows how much CO₂ can be saved by switching from driving to active transport (walking or cycling), both now and in the future.

Itʼs that easy:

  • Book appointment online
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone or desktop, with microphone and optional with camera
  • Internet connection
  • Access via web browser or Microsoft Teams app

Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge

25. – 27.03. | 01. – 03.04.
30 minutes per person
Individual session

Climate Activity Check

Exercise is not a universal cure, but it is a remedy for everyone. The amount of physical activity recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is clearly defined, but the majority of the German population does not meet it. Regular physical activity is not only important for personal health, but also has a positive effect on the climate and the environment. Walking or cycling to work instead of driving a car reduces the environmental impact and strengthens the cardiovascular system and metabolism at the same time. The Climate Activity Check helps to analyze individual resources and shows how both goals - improving health and protecting the environment - can be optimally combined.

Physical activity in everyday life, at work and during leisure time is assessed according to international guidelines (IPAQ and GPAQ). The program checks whether an individual's level of physical activity is inadequate, sufficient to maintain health or even protective. A simulation tool also shows how much CO₂ can be saved by switching from driving to active transport (walking or cycling), both now and in the future.

Itʼs that easy:

  • Book appointment online
  • Laptop, tablet, smartphone or desktop, with microphone and optional with camera
  • Internet connection
  • Access via web browser or Microsoft Teams app

Provider: IPN GmbH - Institut für Prävention und Nachsorge