Wednesday, 11.05.22

9 AM to 4 PM

1:1 health-checkup

In English

Personality Stress Profile

How we deal with life events, work situations, or general stressful situations is primarily dependent upon our character. Psychological resilience and inner strengths are not innate, but have to be developed and learned over time. The Personality Stress Profile focuses on one area of resilience research. It illustrates and points out personality traits.
A scientifically based questionnaire is used to reveal health-promoting character traits and possible stress intensifiers. The twelve personality traits are graphically presented on six scales that are opposed to each other. In addition, measures to promote positive characteristics and individual stress management are identified.

It is as easy as that

  1. Book an appointment online
  2. Laptop, tablet, smartphone or desktop, optional with camera and microphone
  3. Internet connection
  4. Access via web browser or Microsoft-Teams-App